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The Challenge

To replenish your roof to as new condition. After years of dealing with adverse weather conditions, moss build up, bird droppings and debris from near by trees, roofs can grow old and tired looking. At Power Washing Ireland we have the solution.

church roof before-min
church roof after-min

The Solution

Thanks to our 30 years experience, state of the art equipment and state of the art procedures Power Washing Ireland will clean away all the years dirt, grime and moss. The result of which will leave your roof looking like a brand new roof.

Moss, Algae and Lichen are a common sight

Moss, Algae and Lichen are a common sight

The likes of moss, algae and lichen grows rapidly in Ireland’s weather conditions. The a determining factor in the amount of moss or lichens growth is whether or not there’s a lot of sun (more sun, less moss and lichens).

When shade and cool moist conditions combine, moss or lichens growth on a roof surface is more likely.

Moss and lichens are more than a cosmetic issue

By holding moisture against the roof surface, moss (and lichen to a lesser extent) speeds up the wear and tear of the asphalt shingle surface during the colder climates by increasing frost damage to the mineral granule that coats the shingles.

Sometimes there is so much moss and crud on a roof that we’re not sure what roofing material was used.

All Church Roofs Catered For Including:



Blue Bangor Slates

Flat Roofs

Specialised Access

0 +
Roofs Cleaned
0 %
Safety Record
0 +
Available Equipment
Amazing Result
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